Monday, September 16, 2013


This week, Keith Behind Bars makes beautiful music with Symphony.

My most popular article so far was my review of Butterfinger. So I can only assume that the readers of Keith Behind Bars enjoy me eating things I don't like. Lucky for me, my assistant came home with this bar for me to review.

This is the "Blue" version of Symphony, which means it contains toffee.

I do not like toffee.

But, not one to shy away from responsibility, let's have a bite.

Well, the chocolate is good. It's better, I would say, than a normal Hershey bar. And it has almonds. I like almonds.

Sorry, I don't like toffee. This has not changed anything.

If you like chocolate and toffee, this may be for you. It's well balanced, and the packaging gives it a nice feeling of refinement. So try it out if that's the case. In fact, you can have the rest of mine. I'm not going to finish it.

See you next week.

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